Monday, December 3, 2012

Targeting Strategies

To target means to choose a segment, in our market the target can change during the day or from a program to another. Actually the two brands that we study have different targets that change during the day but they are both in the same targeting strategy.

Tf1 and M6 are both in a MASS-MARKET targeting strategy that means that they are targeting the more segment as possible to reach the more watchers as possible.

But the two channel are doing a DIFFERENTIATE mass-market targeting strategy. They take into account the segments and they try to implement things for all the segments that can watch their channel. Their main tools to touch almost all the segments are their programs. The type and schedule of their program allow the two channels to have a differentiated mass-market strategy.

For example some programs have very précised targets:

“Téléhopping” TF1

This program is a shop on TV program where product are presented and people can buy using their phone to call and order. This program is broadcasted every morning during the week at 8h30. This is especially targeted for women from 40 to 70 years old that stay at home during the day and that like taking care of their house (since most of the products are cleaning products). This target, the housewives, is touch at a point of the day where they are in front of TV and with things that they like.

100% Mag M6

This is a show with one speaker that gives lot of advice and tips for the daily life of women and families. 100% Mag targets mainly the women between 30 and 60 years old, who works and have families. Since they can find lot of advice for the children, the food, the activities of the family and tips to take care of their-selves it is more dedicated to women who do not have a lot of time because they work. 

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