Monday, December 3, 2012

Desired & perceived positioning

Hello !

Let's have a look on the difference between the image and the identity of these two brands:

TF1 is the leader of the French TV market; their strategy is to be a generalist, popular and federalist in order to attract a maximum of viewers.  Due to its long existence and its “historical programs”, TF1 is seen as a channel focusing on tradition. Even if it is the most popular channel in France, one common criticism that faces that brand is to be described as “too popular”. Indeed, they are broadcasting a very few cultural shows but are offering more and more Real TV shows. Then, in the past, they are also accused of lacking of neutrality and being politically-oriented by supporting the UMP (right-wing party). 

M6 was originally a thematic channel and wants to be more and more viewed as a generalist one.  However, as a channel which traditionally targeted young people (music, entertainment...) it has difficulties to fight against this image of specialist. Finally, M6 is perceived as a very innovative channel which has introduced a lot of new concepts (Loft Story, L’amour est dans le pré...).

See you !


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