Thursday, November 29, 2012

Main segmentation criteria in this market

We know that segmentation is about aggregating prospective buyers into groups. The aim is to answer effectively to the needs of those groups.
In the TV market there are lots of possible segment. The prospective watchers can be divided into different homogenous groups by age, level of education, sex, and interest.

Age is an important segmentation criterion because it is the main determinant for the programs schedule. We know for example that the retired people (“old” persons) are more likely to watch the TV during the afternoon and to watch documentary or soaps. The channels can adapt their programs to catch the more of this type of prospective watchers. It is the same for the children that watch only “kids programs” and moreover they cannot watch hard images. Plus they are watching TV in the morning and at snack break in the afternoon. The channels have to adapt their program and be careful of the shocking images that appear in some TV shows.

Some programs are definitely for girls as Soap or TV show and some are more for men. Some channels are even specialized in one gender. The idea here is to propose a unisex program or a specialized one to catch the more watchers as possible!

Level of education:
The level of education can be a way to segment in the TV market. Some shows or documentaries are more accessible to a specific group of people. For example historical podcast or cultural one about authors or directors are more likely to interest and catch people with a high education level or cultural level.

Depending on people interest they are more likely to watch a channel more than another or a program in particular. That is true for sport: winter sport, rugby, football, swimming competition. This is true also for music and movie but also for nature, hunt, shopping. If you have a specific hobby nowadays you can have a channel for it. For TF1 and M6, as they are general channel they cannot be specified in one topic but they can have different program as cooking show or football games to try to reach the maximum of people. 

Have a nice day and see you soon for some terrific informations about TF1 and M6 !!! 

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