Monday, November 26, 2012

Touch points with the customers

Hi !

The main touch points that TV channels have with consumers are quite easy to identify. Indeed, a consumer has a contact with a specific channel each time he is watching it.

In the context of the French market, the market research company Mediamétrie, which is the equivalent of Nielsen in the United States, provides very useful quantitative data. They measure audience, market shares and viewer profiles.

We can also say that, as brands, TV channels have privileged contacts with their customers through their own corporate ads on various types of media and their jingles between programs.

Then, the contact with the channel is reinforced when the customer is watching a program or movie created or financed by the channel. For example, TF1 image is much more associated to a program like “Reportages” than to a foreign movie broadcasted on Sunday evening.

See you soon...

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