Thursday, November 22, 2012

Constraints for the product/service linked with the market

One of the main constraints for the 2 brands here is the competition. This broadcasting market is an open market where it is easy to enter. Nowadays with the TNT a basic TV subscription can offer 18 channels and with paying offers as Canalsat or TPS for example the number of channel can reach 300!

The competition and the innovation of competitors is the main constrains for TF1 and M6. They have to differentiate from others channel keeping their brand image and their editorial line.

For TF1 all is about innovation trying to not do what others are doing and trying to keep the “historical image” of the brand. TF1 is the first channel in France and to be part of the competition they have to follow trends.  But in the same time they have to keep the key part of TF1’s image: information and big entertainment! The main constraint for TF1 today is to follow trends without losing his loyal customers.

For M6 it is different because few years ago M6 was the “new”, young and innovative channel that changed the TV market, with the first reality TV show for example. Nowadays M6 is one of the most important TV channel in France but not the more innovative one anymore. Nowadays everybody is doing reality TV and lots of new TNT channel as D8 are becoming much more innovative than M6. The real constraint today for M6 is to keep its image of dynamic and young channel with innovative programs in front of the new generation of channel!

In addition one of another constraint is how to make money! It is not like the channels can sell products as other traditional firms.  They need to have lots of audience to have announcers who want to advert on the channel. The channels sell the ad space and make money! The constraint here is to have a big audience: that is mean lot of people watching the channel at different hours in the day!
Here the constraint is the same for TF1 or M6 even if we can say that TF1 has a little advantage because historically speaking they have good audience so the advertiser trust the channel!

See you soon for a new article! Have a good day!


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