Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hello everyone! 

We hope that you will enjoy to read our articles concerning the 2 main brands of the French TV market: TF1 and M6!

“WE” represents the authors of that blog! We are 4 in total, 3 boys 1 girl, all in the same program (International Marketing and Business Development) in SKEMA BUSINESS SCHOOL in Paris.

As the 3 boys are real gentlemen let’s start with the only girl: Manon Baud. She did a DUT in Commercial Skills before she came at Skema. During the second year in our school she spent a semester in Ralleigh USA. After that she did an internship of one year in France at Pathé, a French film distributor.

 Let’s meet now Nicolas Rousseaux. He did a preaparatory class before he came at Skema. During the second year he spent a semester in China at Suzhou. Then he did six months internship at Blueapps a start-up that develops applications for Iphone. After that he did another six months internship at La Française des Jeux. And finally he came to London to do a last six months internship at RafflesMedia a web-marketing agency.

 Then we have Pascal Caye who made a preparatory class too before he came to Skema. Then thanks to our school he spent one year in a foreign university in Finland. When he came back to France he did one year at Nielsen where he was in charge of marketing studies.

 And finally Nathanael Bardon is also one of the authors. Before coming to Skema he did a BTS in international business. At Skema he did an internship at Mandadoori Magazines for six months and then he spend one year in internship at Smartbox in the marketing service.

Here we are you finally know (almost) all about us!

See you soon here!!!

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